Saturday, December 28, 2013


okayh.mpek jap smntra amik mood stdy ptg nh. dh ptg2 nh slalu melayang skit.haha
nk cte..happy belated bday to my chinggu sorg nh.
pnya la dia nk rhsia bday dia tau dh td lps mntk tlg csi miami :D
bday dia 2hr yg lps.
why is he so special anyway? siap post stu utk dia nh.kekekeke
bcoz..bcoz..bcoz..he is among one of good friend laa.
pnh cte dlm post dlu kn. try2 cri blk tgk.
smga pshbtn baik kekal smpi syurga. 
uhibbuka fillah :')

sanah helwah weyh.
sme dh umur kt..xyh adk sgt la noh..hehss
smga hg dkurniakn jdoh yg trbaik. putih melepak kn? :D
anak soleh. mmg ank soleh dh ni..bday blk rmh.ngeh2
smga trus jd kwn yg baik. thanks lot..haha.
my final year in utm is more exciting due to this people..and other people too.
thank you ALLAH 

p/s: sje buh pic nh..sengal jek. 
but trextra putih lak..haha. camera trick jek okay.kekekeke~

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