Saturday, November 11, 2017

Lets not forget HIM

Expecto patronum!

Alhamdulillah for today yaAllah..for the smile and happiness.
this so short..i wanna make the most of it.
i wanna treasure and live to the max.
i dont want anymore to waste any time doing nothing or waiting.
i will chase my dream.
i will chase what i want.
but all in all..i will not forget nothing, pathetic fools without HIM.

kdg2..kita rasa apa yg kt doakn tu Allah tak dengar. 
lps tu kita putus asa. walhal Allah makbulkn dlm waktu yg terbak tanpa kita sangka2.
jd jgn mudah dh putus asa okay fadzilah.
you're strong.
one day all your doas will be granted the most awesome for you.
just be patient.
just rely on Allah..not any other.
remember Him always.
dont ever never forget Him.
He is always there watching you..
dont ever neglect Him and do something that make Him angry.
sesungguhnya api neraka itu benar dan nyata..dan juga sungguh panas.
huuuuuuu minta dijauhkan.

mulai hari ini..mari...mari kitaa punyai..
" perangai ahli syurga..
perbuatan ahli syurga..
fikiran ahli syurga..
akhlak ahli syurga..
permintaan ahli syurga..
amalan ahli syurga..
keinginan ahli syurga
kehidupan ahli syurga.. "

lets target to be in His beautiful heaven..Jannatul Firdaus.
one day InsyaAllah.
go for it.

*got one iv next next week. and two job results still in processing. do pray for me ya. i'll do my best insyaAllah.