Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Dangshin upsshi motsal ahyo

Taradda..aloooohaa my blog!
Long time no see you meh.
haha bian~

Dangshin upsshi motsal ahyo...meaning?
Google sndri..kahkah.
its already reaching the end of 2017 right.
meh nk blnja mpek pnjg skit.hee~

my life so far..Alhamdulillah..still healthy, young and wild.kekeke.
i will live my life happily without any regrets.
hdup ni skali je..xmo la nyesal apa2 kn.all out!
dlu ade stu post ni that i wrote that i'll fight for this one person.
ade ke x ea draft ke..almk kantoi la klo draft je.
xpela..meh nk summary skit.
i'd fall in love with this amazing man.
why he is so amazing anyway?

one:: he didnt ever give up on know den ni xdela btul sgt..bgong je..pstu emo pun byk. emo tu akn dtg if org tu penting klo leh emo dgn korg mksdnye korg pntg..which means i cared lot klo dh msuk bab emo tu ea.klo layan.boleh blah.xde nk amik kisah la klo de pape yg brlaku..i dont like many drama in my life.kekeke. but this person..although im in that state of ultimate emo(which i called my loser phase) when i showed him of my true self..he didnt give up on me. he advised me and ask me questions.hahahaha. soln knp mcm tu..knp ni..knp tu..knp pntg diri..haha. i love actually when people give me i know when im wrong. and then i can reflect and change insyaAllah. bknnye klo tau pi sebar kat org lain. big NO! sbb tu syg lbih.wink2

two:: he knows the silence cry of prtama so touched that he knows im crying although i didnt make any expertise is in silence crying.kahkah.but he knew back then that im crying.aigooo abis la macho mcm ni..kntoi ade org tau ngis.hahahahahahahaha.huuu.mcm mn dia tau ea?smpi skrg mcm trtanya2 mcm mn dia leh tau..hmmm

three:: he made me to crash my damn high walls with his patience and love.haha.after all these years...i know a bit about myself.a bit je?haha yela a bit je bru tau psl dri sndri even dh tua bp puluh thn dh hdup nh.dush. i dont know how to love..ala2 lagu tu la.."aku tak pandai bercinta..aku tak indah bicara.." when i fall..i fall damn hard..all out i will love that person. but man didnt like this type of love i guess...bcoz they cant handle me well when im so much complicated..emo and so on.huuuuu sad truth. but i dont know what to do actually..when they decide to leave me..ofcos i'll fell sad and clingy towards them.i will ask so much questions..sbb syg sgt la buat smua tu..hahaha tp dorg xamik kisah dh pun..sbb dh buat kptsn nk tinggalkn ended up i hurt so damn much...but you know..i have no regrets...because i'd loved so damn much too. so brbalik kpd topik td..after being heartbroken i'd set and put my heart in this castle of mine which built up damn high and strong so no one can hurt me again.thats the reason if anyone wants to come into my life and heart..i tested them. i'd hurt this one person before..he was so nice..he liked me..but im cruel to him.myb i hurt him..and then after awhile he then left me too.he got someone who he can loves with ease and love him too. im truly sorry actually..i didnt mean to do harm to you..just..i want to protect the heart of mine.bianney.the results of my damn high walls.huuuuu.dush3 skit. but Alhamdulillah after that i learnt..there are no use actually the high forget to love and to live. so after i'd encounter to my sayang..ehh pngil my syg la ea nnt confuse dgn yg dlu tu..ehee gtl noe. my sayang..he was the reason i crashed the walls. his patience and love for me..for accepting me for who i am..for never ending advice..for taking care of me..for loving me..for missing so much grateful for him to come to my life. Alhamdulillah.

okay tiga je.hahaha.actually im really super grateful to Allah..for giving me the opportunity to love him..felt the be in loved..indah bak hang!im so much in love where i think i just cant live without him.ngeeee~ Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah infinity. indah lg kn klo Allah syg kita, dgn kita syg Allah balik :D

my love story is still ongoing..although many challenges encountered and say hye..i'll be strong.. i will always pray and pray and pray hopefully one day the happiness Allah can lend to me.eheee..jgn putus asa!fight for your your doa. Allah is the only one that can fulfill all the long as there are good for us. i wish for his happiness always..sincerely from my heart. if and only if written up there that we're never meant to be in this world....dh bljr redha dh..i'd said to myself that its okay...why? because to get the chance to just love him already makes me super happy and thankful.Alhamdulillah. pray for me too keh.

Assalamualaikum..see ya. adiossaaaaaaa ^^

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