Ya ALLAH, jgnlah Engkau pesongkan hatiku setelah Engkau berikan petunjuk.
lately. mcm xtenang jek hdup.hmm. mgkn dh xlme agknya.
and today it has exploded.
for the first time in utm berniat xmau pi kelas.nk ponteng la kra. sbb xde soul dh.huuu. ottoke?
td xniat nk tuntut ilmu..tp niat nk pi mkn jek.dush2.
whats happening to me?
and sorry too to ika. huahuaa. my laser words and poker face.
antara ayt plg gler pg td.."pi kls slalu xdpt gk 4flat.mgkn pontg leh dpt ke"
bianney ika.huuu.
and tq too for your advice this morning.
sbb ika pny kte2 la de niat nk pi gk kls hr nh.wawawawawa~
"kdg2 down tu pasti ad..itu biase..^^ hdup ni nk cri kbrktn Dia. bnde len tu smue urusan Dia. kurg stu mst ad lbh 1..^^ smile ye.. ^_^"
potong bawang.
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